The 2022 Editorial Board Meeting of Crop and Environment, a journal founded by HZAU in partnership with Elsevier, was held both online and offline on the morning of September 29th, with more than 50 editorial board members and scholars from world-renowned academic institutions attending the meeting on the theme of the future development of the journal.

Li Zhaohu, president of HZAU, addresses at the meeting. [Photo/HZAU]
Li Zhaohu, president of HZAU, addressed at the meeting. He congratulated on the launch of inaugural issue of Crop and Environment, and encouraged everyone to forge ahead. He put it that the fragility of the world’s food system, food security, and environment have made it a prime time to conduct research on fields related to crops and environment. Next, he expressed his belief that Crop and Environment will become one of the most authoritative source of information about prospects for meeting food demand using sustainable crop and soil management practices to ensure food security at local to global scales. At the end of his speech, he warmly welcomed more information exchange on innovation, research, and extension related to crop production science, mutual impacts between crop production and the environment.

President Li issues letters of appointment to editors-in-chief of the journal. [Photo/HZAU]
Li Zhaohu issued letters of appointment to the editors-in-chief of the journal, Professor Peng Shaobing, Professor Xiong Dongliang and Professor You Liangzhi.

Prof. Peng Shaobing, founding editor-in-chief of Crop and Environment, makes a report. [Photo/HZAU]
Professor Peng gave an introduction of the journal’s founding stories, editorial board members, academic orientation, operation, disadvantages, and future prospects. Peng expressed his expectation on the journal that, in the next three years, it will see a constant improvement in the number of papers submitted and the quality of submitted papers, breakthroughs in database collection and its articles being indexed in SCIE/SCI by 2024, and top-ranking influencing factor among journals in the field of agriculture.

Ms Yang Chao, Elsevier journal publisher, makes a report. [Photo/HZAU]
Ms Yang Chao, Elsevier publisher, introduced the journal’s paper submission volume, acceptance rate, number of downloads and citations of papers in top ten countries with the largest number of submissions. She said, the young journal, constantly improving its efficiency in reviewing, editing and publishing, holds much promise for the future.
“How is the social media promotion?”, “Can the journal have at least one paper submitted by each editorial board member per year?”. Professor Ken Cassman, Professor Yang Jianchang and others put forward many suggestions for the further development of the journal. Professor Peng and Professor You Liangzhi exchanged in-depth ideas on how to accept high-quality papers, guest articles, founding issues and enhance journal publicity.
The meeting has three items on the agenda: new issues release, journal report and free discussion, respectively presided over by Fan Jingqun, director of HZAU periodical center, Xiong Dongliang, editor-in-chief of the journal, and Proferssor Peng Shaobing, editor-in-chief of the journal.

Online and offline meeting attendants take a group photo. [Photo/HZAU]
Crop and Environment, published by HZAU in partnership with Elsevier, is an open-access quarterly scientific and technical journal in English. Adhering to green and sustainable crop production, the journal is devoted to publishing research conducted at local to global scales to overcome constraints to the sustainable production of the world’s major crops and cropping systems with a focus on innovations that improve productivity, resource use efficiencies, and environmental performance in conserving natural resources (including soils, water, and biodiversity). The 54 editorial board members are well-known scholars from world-renowned academic institutions such as China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Canada, and Spain.
Moreover, the journal also makes its WeChat official account and journal website available, offering general information about the journal, article authors, and article guides, so as to facilitate the exchange and learning of scholars from all over the world.
Translated by: Yao Li
Supervised by: Pan Buhan